Top 8 Drinks For Diabetes Patients

3 min readJan 27, 2022

Diabetes is all about managing a healthy lifestyle. What you drink is equally important to what you eat along with it. You don’t want your blood sugar to rise or fall unusually low. The number of calories and carbs you intake and the way they affect your blood sugar level are very important.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends drinks for diabetic patients which are low in calories and obviously sugar-free

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Here are the top 8 drinks that may bring tremendous changes to the journey


When you think of hydrating and keeping cool there is no such drink as good as water. It is the best drink there is. Its importance is even more apparent for diabetic patients.

Having sufficient water(3 liters for men and 2.3 liters for women) is not only important for regular bodily function but also helps with lowering blood sugar levels. And the trick is adding fresh mint, raspberries, or lemon to make it way more flavorful.

Sugar-free coffee:

Sugar-free coffee is very beneficial for health mostly for people with type-2 diabetes. Unsweetened coffee can lower the chances of diabetes-2 and it helps the patients by improving blood sugar regulation.

You may want to add sugar or milk to it, as it will increase the calories content within, which is very harmful if you are a diabetic patient.

Sweet Tea and Green tea:

Green tea is widely known as a healthy drink. It can boost our immunity and is excellent for blood sugar levels. It does wonders for health. You can also make it sweeter. Just make sure that it is sugar-free and sweetened only using natural ingredients.

Use natural sweeteners like raspberry to sweeten your tea. You can also use alternative sweeteners otherwise.

Chocolate milk:

Low-fat chocolate milk is a great recovery drink. Make sure not to take ready-made ones as they are jam-packed with sugar. Chocolate milk is amazing as it gives the necessary calcium needed for diabetic patients. Most of them are old which is why they need the extra calcium that can be supplied by chocolate milk.

Vegetable juice:

Vegetables carry tons of nourishing ingredients and a large amount of water. So it naturally makes it a great drink for diabetes patients. You can have tomato and cucumber juice or leafy vegetable juice like spinach.

Fruit smoothies:

Fruit smoothies are great ideas as a diabetes-friendly drink. Don’t try readymade store-bought ones, as they are full of carbs and high calories. You can have blueberries, strawberries, or banana smoothies. There is nothing more soothing than a cold homemade refreshing fruit smoothie.

Hot chocolate:

Hot chocolate is great for your body and not to mention for diabetes patients. You can make great hot chocolates with low-fat milk and dark chocolate. To add more flavor to it try to add vanilla or a little bit of cinnamon.

Sugar-free lemonade:

No list of healthy drinks can be complete without mentioning the lemonade. It is great for diabetes patients but be sure to try only the sugar-free ones. Lemonade not only keeps your body fresh and healthy but also supplies your body with necessary vitamins. You can add a bit of mint for a wonderful flavor.

Originally published at on January 27, 2022.




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